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Exploring Buddhism - Mod. 2 Exploring the View, Tenets and Middle Way

13-month journey into mindscience & philosophy

with Geshe Tenzin Namdak & Geshe Tenzin Losel

An FPMT Study Program, offered in collaboration with Jamyang London Buddhist Centre (in English & online only), Nalanda Monastery in France and Nagarjuna Center in Spain. With this collaboration we aim to create wider access in The Netherlands to the teachings of two of the very few Western Geshes, one of them being the only Dutch Geshe in the world, Geshe Tenzin Namdak. 

👉 Short introduction by Geshe Namdak

Introduction of the teachings 

This 13-month Buddhist course – or shared journey - is focused on exploring mindscience and Buddhist philosophy. It is divided into 4 modules:

  1. Exploring the Mind (May – July 2024)

  2. Exploring the View, Tenets and the Middle Way (Sept – Nov 2024)

  3. Exploring the Fundamentals of Reasoning and Debate (Jan – March 2025)

  4. Exploring the Sutra Grounds and Paths (Apr – July 2025)


Exploring the Mind (mindscience) presents the mind or consciousness, our principal means for knowing reality, with its nature, functions and divisions along with mental factors that positively or negatively impact its operation. In the teachings the gap between Buddhism and science will be bridged.  

Exploring the View, Tenets and the Middle Way (emptiness) that teaches the right views we need to know and realize with our mind to bring about transformation by uprooting successively more subtle levels of ignorance that are the roots of suffering. In particular, we examine the various aspects of the tenet systems of the main schools of Buddhist philosophy, culminating in the Middle Way (Madhyamika) view, which clarifies the deepest meaning of emptiness. 

The tools we apply for gaining such realizations are presented in Exploring the Fundamentals of Reasoning and Debate. Here, the methods of debate, reasoning, and logical analysis, which are so fundamental in Buddhism, found in traditional Buddhist texts are explained. 

Exploring the Sutra Grounds and Paths rounds up the philosophical aspect of the program with a clear presentation of the path for mental development on the way to liberation and enlightenment.

For whom & benefits

“Although initially I thought it was more of a theoretical course it turned out to be very practical in terms of what you can actually take into your practice and into your daily life and helps you shift your perspective on things. I found that very beneficial so I’m coming back for the next one… I’m very much intending to sign up again just to review and consolidate what I learned.” - Mircea (student of Exploring Buddhism 2021-2024)

  • The lessons are suitable for practitioners with some background in Buddhist teachings like Discovering Buddhism and have some ground level understanding of the Lam Rim. You do not need to be a Buddhist.

  • To be able to explore profound, ancient Buddhist wisdom & insights into mindscience and philosophy explained in a clear and accessible way.

  • To be able to learn from & progress in your path with the support of two amazing teachers. Geshe means “one who knows virtue, one who knows what should be practiced and what should be given up”. Geshe is a Tibetan Buddhist academic degree for monks who have successfully finished a decades-long study in Buddhist philosophy and psychology at a renowned monastic university.

  • The opportunity to be part of a group of practitioners in The Netherlands, debating and challenging these profound teachings together to gain deeper personal insight.

Your teachers

Geshe Tenzin Namdak (Resident Teacher @ Jamyang London Buddhist Centre)

After completing his university studies in Hydrology, Geshe Namdak worked as an environmental researcher in the Netherlands. He was ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama before completing the 20-year Geshe degree at Sera Jey Monastic University in India, as well as the traditional 1-year Vajrayana study program at Gyume Tantric College. Geshe Namdak incorporates his knowledge of science into his teaching, with a clear, warm and humorous style. Geshe Namdak is now Resident Teacher at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre.

Interested in watching a teaching by Geshe Namdak? Click on the following link to watch ‘Mind & Reality’ of Jan. 6 2024- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wco1yJgsHE8

Geshe Tenzin Losel (Teacher @ Nalanda Monastery)

Geshe Losel is a graduate of the Institute of Dialectics in Dharamsala, India and studied there under the famous scholar Gen Lobsang Gyatso. A British monk, Graham Woodhouse is one of the very few Westerners trained in the traditional Tibetan way as a Geshe. He received his Geshe degree from Drepung Loseling Monastic College. He has knowledge of the texts, skill in translating, an ability to convey the subtleties of Buddhist thought in lucid English and teaches traditional Buddhist debate.

Practice / study group in The Netherlands

We would like to be supportive in creating a study group in the Netherlands by offering joint activities e.g. meeting at the gompa to watch the class together, attend review classes, discuss and meditate. What activities we will offer, will of course depend on the number of students, who sign up, and their interests. Annelies van der Heijden, a Buddhist practitioner since 1992 and a teacher at Maitreya Amsterdam and internationally for FPMT for many years, will play a role in this support.

Practical details

  • Day: Every Thursday evening, module 2 from September 5 onwards

  • Time: from 19.30 – 21.30 hrs

  • Language:

    • The teachings will be given in English.

    • We will provide a textbook per module 

  • Online: via Zoom.

  • Registration: Please use this link to register for the student learning platform and for offering donations for the course to Jamyang London Buddhist Centre .

  • Recordings: will be made available to the students via de student learning platform provided by JLBC.

  • More information: https://jamyang.co.uk/exploring-buddhism-2


The monthly donations will be collected by Jamyang London Buddhist Centre as they are the lead organizing center. Your donations are donated to your teachers Geshe Namdak and Geshe Losel, Jamyang London Buddhist Centre, Nalanda Monastery and a small part to Maitreya Instituut. Keep in mind that the donation amount should never be an obstacle to your access to the Dharma. Please contact us if it might be an obstacle for you.

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31-10-2024 19:30

31-10-2024 21:00

