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City Weekend Retreat - Awakening in the modern world

With Ven. Losang Gendun

With the Buddha’s passing receding into the past, the subsequent generations of his followers became gradually more despondent regarding the possibility to become enlightened. Like most older generations they thought that the world was becoming increasingly degenerate. Our times are no different. Great lay disciples of the Buddha, like Anathapindika, the billionaire of his world, offer us a different perspective, in which the challenges of our time can be transformed by a caring intent and the innate awakening qualities of our mind into freedom of mind and boundless of heart.

We offer you a weekend of grounded vipassana on the awakening factors, embedded in the caring and courageous attitude of the bodhisattva, to discover how we can flourish and persist for the welfare of the web of life on which we depend. Good food, excellent company and plenty of space for Q&A are included.


Dāna (generosity) is one of the cornerstones of the Buddhist path. By virtue of their generosity, the Buddha and the ordained sangha offer us the teachings, and in exchange, the lay community supports Dharma centers and the monastic community. This interdependence is essential for us to share the Dharma and continue our work to benefit all sentient beings. With your donation we support our teachers in their cost of living and we uphold our dharma center, which is managed entirely by volunteers.

The suggested donation for this 2-day retreat is € 75, coffee and tea included for those who did not register for the IDMT class beforehand.  If you already donated for the IDMT class on Saturday, you can make the reduced donation of 60 euro through this link.  For students and people with low income, the suggested donation is €50 (with IDMT) or 40 if you already donated for IDMT. Please send an email to amsterdam@maitreya.nl if you'd like to make use of this option.

Dates and times: Saturday Nov. 9: 10.00 - 18.30 hrs. (incl. regular IDMT class), Sunday Nov. 10: 10.00 - 16.00 hrs.

On Saturday we'll have a 1,5 hour lunch break and will provide soup. Please bring your own additional sandwich or other food items. On Sunday we'll have a 1-hour break and ask people to bring something simple to eat for yourself. As our space is very limited, we won't have a shared potluck lunch this weekend!

The donation amount should never be an obstacle to your access to the Dharma! Please contact us if it might be an obstacle for you.

Ga terug

09-11-2024 10:00

10-11-2024 16:00


