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Theme Sunday with Ven. Amy: Dealing with Difficult People

with Ven. Amy Miller

Aren’t you tired of having challenging people turn up in your life? Why are they there and how can we make them go away? This lively Theme Sunday presents an alternative view on the presence of these people and how we can best transform a negative experience into a more positive one. Meditation and practical exercises included.

Our Theme Sundays are community days, in which we share the pleasure of each other’s company, food, meditation, lecture and discussion. We invite everyone to bring some vegetarian food to share with others over lunch.

Date and times: September 24, 10.00 - 14.30 hrs. CEST (lunch break 12.00 - 13.00 hrs.).

Both onsite and online.

Suggested donation is 30 euro per day. As finances should never be an obstacle for access to Dharma teachings, people with a minimum income are eligible for a reduced rate of 20 euro per day. For more information, please contact us at amsterdam@maitreya.nl.

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24-09-2023 10:00

24-09-2023 14:30



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