Rolling mantras
Under the guidance of Ven. Konchog Phuntsok (Jan Bijman)
Many people have a Buddha statue in their homes or in their garden, but not everybody knows that traditionally you should fill a Buddha statue with mantras and incense.
The word mantra means ‘liberation of the mind’. A mantra is a kind of spell. Mantras are often very old and made with great care. If you sing a mantra or say it out loud it brings about a certain vibration and energy. These mantras are printed on paper. Ven. Jan Bijman (Konchog Phuntsok) teaches you how to roll up the mantras the traditional way so they can be used to fill Buddha statues. After this course you have obtained enough information and knowledge to do it yourself at home.
This activity is offered physically at the center only. If you wish, you can also join the recitation of the Golden Light Sutra, which takes place during the rolling of the mantras.
Dates, all Sundays: December 29 (2024) and January 26, February 23, March 23, April 20, May 25, June 22 2025, 10.00 - 13.00 hrs., only onsite.
Participation is free, a donation is welcome.
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