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Guided meditation

with Ven. Amy Miller

(On Oct. 30 with Paula de Wijs)

Every Monday evening (Sept. 4 - Dec. 4, 2023): 19.00 – 19.45 hrs, both onsite and online.

For online participation, please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88297312211?pwd=SXpKWGV6RjlaaUlhd0hQTUt5RDRBdz09 (Passcode: 252051)

If (from September 25 onwards) you'd like to participate onsite in our centre, please let us know through amsterdam@maitreya.nl or indicate in the notes section when registering through the button on the right.

Suggested donation for single guided meditation € 3,50

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04-09-2023 19:00

04-09-2023 19:45



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