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Emptiness: A teaching on the Diamond Cutter Sutra

with Geshe Sonam Ngodrup and translation from Tibetan to English by Venerable Khedrup

Geshe Sonam Ngodrup will be visiting the Netherlands again in March and has been so kind to offer again teachings & an empowerment at our center in Amsterdam. For his program in our retreat center in Loenen, please click here.

Saturday March 8 – Teaching on the Diamond Cutter Sutra

"As a lamp, a cataract, a star in space, an illusion, a dewdrop, a bubble, 
a dream, a cloud, a flash of lightning, view all created things like this.

The Diamond Sutra, a very important Buddhist text of the Mahayana tradition, has fascinated Buddhists for centuries, because of its insights into dualism and illusion (emptiness): the diamond can cut through any obstacle. 

In the sutra, the Buddha has finished his daily walk to Sravasti with the monks to gather offerings of food, and he sits down to rest. Elder Subhūti comes forth and asks the Buddha: "How, Lord, should one who has set out on the bodhisattva path take his stand, how should he proceed, how should he control the mind?". What follows is a dialogue regarding the nature of the ‘perfection of insight’ (Prajñāpāramitā) and the nature of ultimate reality, which is illusory and empty). 

The Diamond Sūtra is one of the most influential Mahayana sutras in East Asia along with the Heart Sutra. We are very delighted that Geshe Sonam Ngodrup will teach this important and insightful sutra for us.

“Wherever this Sutra is honored and revered 
there is a sacred site enshrining the presence of the Buddha 
or one of the Buddha’s most venerable disciples.”

      Chapter 12 The Diamond Sutra

Sunday March 9 – Orange Manjushri Jenang & teaching 

The Orange Manjushri Buddha, a radiant embodiment of wisdom, clarity, and eloquence, represents the transformative power of enlightened understanding. With his luminous orange hue, he symbolizes the blazing light of wisdom that dispels the darkness of ignorance. Seated with a flaming sword in one hand and the Perfection of Wisdom text in the other, he offers practitioners the tools to cut through mental confusion and achieve profound insight.

Practicing the Orange Manjushri mantra or meditating on his form brings numerous benefits, including enhanced intelligence, improved memory, and sharper decision-making skills. His blessings foster creative thinking, clear communication, and a compassionate perspective, empowering one to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and grace. By invoking Orange Manjushri, practitioners align with their innate potential for enlightenment and bring clarity and harmony to their minds and lives.

Geshe la will grant a jenang (empowerment) into the Kriyā/action tantra practice of Orange Manjushri and will give a deeper introduction into the qualities of this special Buddha & practice. 

For whom

The teaching day on Saturday is suitable for everyone. Some familiarity with the basic concepts of Buddhist thought is recommended to get the most out of this experience. The style of teaching by Geshe la is inspiring and clear and shows his profound knowledge by explaining the topics in a way which creates insights for both newer and long-term practitioners.

The Sunday will only be for practitioners who would like to receive the Orange Manjushri initiation as a blessing or an empowerment. Online you can only take it as a blessing. 

The initiation can be taken as a blessing for those who do not wish to receive the refuge and bodhisattva vows. Both are offered in a brief ceremony during the empowerment for those who have not received them before. If students wish, they can decide to recite the short mantra of Manjushri (Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih), a few times each day but this is not required.

About Geshe Sonam Ngodrup

“The positive approach, putting an emphasis on happiness instead of dwelling on fear and negativities too much activates a wish to grow, to continue this path, and the way he offers the teachings with great patience and understanding for all that makes us human, make that this personal growth can take place, in his words, with a joyous effort. The dynamic with his translator, Ven. Khedrup is light and easy-going, and they are able to make one feel connected, both to them and to the teachings.” – student at Maitreya Amsterdam

Geshe Sonam Ngodrup, was born in 1968 in the Ganze region of Kham, Tibet and left at the age of 13 to study Buddhism in India. He was ordained as a novice monk at Sera Jey Monastery that year, and at the age of 21 received full ordination from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Geshe la graduated as a Geshe Lharampa from Sera Jey Monastery in first position in 2003, and in 2004 completed a year of tantric studies at Gyumed Monastery in Hunsur. He was one of the most popular petri geygan (official scripture teachers) at Sera Jey with several hundred students, teaching complex topics of the monastic curriculum. In addition, Geshe la taught sutra studies at Dzongkhar Choede and Gyumed monasteries where his classes were in high demand.

In 2011, Geshe la came to the West, teaching the topics of the Basic Program first at Nalanda Monastery in France and then at Maitreya Institute in the Netherlands, in addition to courses on introductory Buddhism throughout Europe. In 2019, Geshe la settled in Canada. He is a well-loved teacher whose vast scriptural knowledge is tempered by a naturally humble nature and profound non-sectarian approach to the study of the teachings.

Would you like to get to know Geshe la and his way of teaching a bit before registering, than have a look at these series of inspiring short videos with ‘gentle spoken advice’ from Geshe la on YouTube:

Practical information

  • Day & timing
    • Saturday 10.00 – 15.00 hrs
    • Sunday 10.00 – 16.00 hrs
  • Location: At our center in Amsterdam & Online via Zoom.
  • Language: Tibetan and English 
  • Recordings: The teachings on Saturday & Sunday will be recorded (audio and video) and provided to you. The Jenang will not be recorded. 
  • Registration: You can either register for one of the two days or both 
  • Last-minute registration: Please also send an email to amsterdam@maitreya.nl, to ensure we can send you the necessary information in time to join the teachings.


Dāna (generosity) is one of the cornerstones of the Buddhist path. By virtue of their generosity, the Buddha and the ordained sangha offer us the teachings, and in exchange, the lay community supports Dharma centers and the monastic community. This interdependence is essential for us to share the Dharma and continue our work to benefit all sentient beings. With your donation we support our teachers in their cost of living and we uphold our dharma center, which is managed entirely by volunteers.

The suggested donation for each day is €35. For students and people with low income, the suggested donation for one day is €25. Please send us an email (amsterdam@maitreya.nl) if you'd like to make use of this option. Keep in mind that the donation amount should never be an obstacle to your access to the Dharma. Please contact us if it might be an obstacle for you.

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08-03-2025 10:00

08-03-2025 15:00



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