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Chotrul Duchen celebration

with Silvie Walraven

This day marks the end of the 15-day festival of Monlam, a period of Dharma practice and joyous celebration of the Buddha’s power. It was in this period that the Buddha displayed his powers through a series of miracles, inspiring faith and spiritual attainment in his followers.

At our center we will celebrate this day with two activities:

13.30 - 14.15 hrs.: a practice session of "The Inseparability of the Spiritual Master and Avalokiteshvara: A Source of All Powerful Attainments", which was written by His Holiness himself. Anyone is welcome to join this practice, in which we visualise His Holiness as inseparable from the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, recite a number of Mani mantra's and invite His blessings. This session is in support of a beautiful initiative to accumulate Mani mantra's dedicated to His Holiness's long and stable life, started by our sister center Yeshin Norbu Meditation Center in Stockholm. The total number of mantra's accumulated will be offered to Him on his birthday. You can use this link to join the session.

14.30 - 15.30 hrs.: We will be joining the livestream on Root Institute's YouTube channel where various prayers will be done for the swift return of our precious teacher Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche. The texts used can be downloaded here.

Anyone is welcome to join. Any donation to support our center's Study Fund (see sign in button on the right) is highly appreciated.

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14-03-2025 13:30

14-03-2025 15:30



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