Choosing Kindness - Ven. Amy Miller
Empathy, Emptiness, and Empowerment in Challenging Times
With Ven. Amy Miller
Please note: Nov. 2 only online!
Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. In our daily lives, we are often bombarded by external experiences that show heartlessness, inconsideration and even cruelty towards people and animals. We are influenced by these situations and at times even hurt by them. We begin to believe that to be happy we need to follow a particular behaviour, obtain an array of material items and/or attain a certain status. Little by little, the natural authentic dynamic flow of who we really are gets blocked and instead manifests as something more constrictive, negative, hostile or fearful. So, we escape, blame others and ourselves and get numb to what is really happening. Then the ruminating, pondering mind takes over (negatively) influencing our perceptions of the world around us and deepen our sense of unease. This is the perfect time for practice!
The weekly courses
How can we use our vulnerability to generate a strong wish to emerge from our confusion and separation and spark a deep experience of compassion for others and ourselves? This program explores a path of personal transformation by being present with our pain, fear, and aversion and incorporates mindfulness exercises to help us move through these less than comfortable states and act differently.
Ven. Amy will offer this weekly class on Thursday evening, combining teachings with guided meditation, interactive exercises and dialogue.
Please watch this little video in which Ven. Amy explains in her own words what she'd like to bring to students.
Other Course
For other activities of Ven. Amy Miller, please click here.
The Teacher
Ven. Amy’s engaging teaching style helps people connect with meditation and mindfulness to gain a refreshing perspective on normally stressful living. Her knowledge and experience comes from having been a Buddhist teacher and nun for many years, but also from being a trained hospice counselor and having done a vast array of volunteering work e.g. for homeless people.
For a comprehensive biography of Ven. Amy, please click here.
Dates & times: weekly on Thursdays, Sept. 21 – Dec. 7, 19.00 – 21.00 hrs CEST.
Both onsite and online. When signing up, please mention in the Remarks (Opmerkingen) section whether you'd like to join onsite or online.
If possible, please register well in advance. If you register on the day itself, please also send an email to, to make sure we can send you the necessary information in time.
Suggested donation to help cover our costs € 15 per evening. Students / people with low income € 10 per evening. The donation amount should never be an obstacle to your access to the Dharma! Please write us an e-mail if these amounts pose a problem for you.
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