Online Gendun zomer
Brushing away samsara
with the wings of wisdom and compassion
July 3 - July 9
Ven. Losang Gendun
Loenen (Gld)
Ven. Losang Gendun
Donation to cover the cost:
€ 192.50
Also available on
- Losang Gendun zomer
- Online Gendun zomer
- IDMT year 2 Term 2
- Weekedn Asp BV June 14-15
- Weekedn Eng BV nov 8-9
- Weekend Asp BV June 14-15 excl. IDMT
- Weekend Eng BV nov 8-9 excl IDMT
- Weekend Asp BV June 14-15 online
- Weekend Eng BV nov 8-9 online
- Weekend Asp BV June 14-15 excl. IDMT onl
- Weekend Eng BV nov 8-9 excl IDMT online
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