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Home study with video

Are you unable to follow the lessons live onsite or online? Then you can order video recordings of some of the lessons. Over time, this page will be filled with more and more options for home study.

You will receive an email with a link to the recordings on Vimeo, the text that accompanies the lessons can be found as an attachment to the email. The videos can be accessed as many times as you want, they are not downloadable.

If you have the choice, we recommend that you follow the lessons live. Then you have contact with a teacher and you practice in a community, two important factors on the path. In the future we will organize online meetings for home students, where you can get in touch with other practitioners.

Available now:


Teachings by Geshe Sonam Ngodrup, translated by Ven. Khedrup

Kamalashila’s Stages of Meditation:

  • Teaching in English, April 2022; 3 videos, text and audio file with prayers; For more info on the program, click here. Donation 30 euro. Order here.
  • Teaching in English, May - June 2022; 4 videos, text and audio file with prayers; Donation 30 euro. Order here.

Arising Bodhicitta

Package of 3 teaching video's and 1 audio teaching, text and audio file with prayers; For more info on the program, click here. Donation 27,50. Order here.

Teachings by Ven. Losang Gendun

Wisdom Bootcamp: Who is Buddha? His life according to the Pali sutras.

  • Package of 5 Wisdom Bootcamps (February - June 2022), incl. texts and supplementary materials. Donation 75 euro. For more information on the program, click here. Order here.
  • Package of 3 Wisdom Bootcamps (September - December 2022), incl. texts and supplementary materials. Donation 45 euro. Order here.

Compassion Bootcamp

Package of 3 Compassion Bootcamps (September - November 2022), incl. texts and supplementary materials. Donation 45 euro. For more information, click here. Order here.

Retreat packages

Vipassana Winter Retreat, guided by Ven. Losang Gendun

Package of video and audio recordings and other materials to support you in doing this 10-day Vipassana Retreat by yourself. The retreat was offered from Dec. 26, 2022 till January 6, 2023 at Institute Vajra Yogini, France. More information: amsterdam@maitreya.nl. Donation (shared with IVY) 125 euro. Please click here to order.

Mahamudra & Compassion Retreat, guided by Ven. Losang Gendun

(only for IDMT and BP students of Ven. Gendun)

The goal of Mahamudra is to directly experience the nature of mind, the source of all wisdom and compassion. Mahamudra, or “great seal”, refers to the ultimate truth that everything in the world lacks a fixed, independent essence, but exists interconnected and depends on various causes and conditions. The retreat was offered from Dec. 4-10, 2023 at Maitreya Institute Loenen (The Netherlands). More information: amsterdam@maitreya.nl. Suggested Donation: 95 euro. To order this package please click here.


Gender, Identity and Spirituality. Teaching by Dr. Bee Scherer.

Videorecording of a 2,5 hrs. lecture. Donation 12,50 euro. Click here to order.

Buddhism and Women - Jan Willis

Videorecording of a 2 hrs. lecture. Donation 12,50 euro. Click here to order.

Engaged Buddhism - Jan Willis

Video recordings of a day's teaching. Donation 25,00 euro. Click here to order.

Jan Willis Package: Buddhism and Women & Engaged Buddhism

Video and audio recordings. Donation 37,50 euro. Click here to order.

English X-mas package

Wisdom and Compassion Bootcamps and the Jan Willis Package. Video and audio recordings, materials. Donation 135 euro. Click here to order.